Our Plaster & Faux Finishing Services
As decorative painters we have many styles that we can customize for your home or business. We can give you samples of our finishes & all the options for your style.

Venetian plaster, metallic plasters, rustic plasters, Marmarino, American Clay & more.

Faux Finishing
Plasters have been around for thousands of years, many old world finishes were made using lime plasters & crushed marble. We still use these lime based Italian plasters for a true venetian plaster finish, but we offer our clients even more options. We utilize multiple colors or tones in our finishes to give dimension and layering levels of plaster creates depth that is beautiful.
Faux finishing has been synonomous with sponge & rag painting. Faux means "fake" in French, so we give our clients the allusion of an old wall, or "faux" stone/brick. We use glazes as a less expensive alternative to plasters. We tint our own glazes and create some amazing finishes that like art.

Custom Finishes
We can customize any surface. We can make custom any surface such as a vent hood for your kitchen, or pillars & columns for your home. We can also can do some amazing effect on mirrors.

Cabinet Refinishing
Our decorative painting experience has allowed us to offer our clients a additonal service of cabinet refinishing. We have trained extensively and created many samples of cabinet finishes that can show you the options available to you. We can stain your cabinets to a darker finish over your original finish or use paints such as Annie Sloan and glaze or water-based paints sprayed on finishes. Endless possibilities for your kitchen or bathroom!
Modello Designs
$ Custom stencils & varied prices
We use Modellos in our ceiling and wall finishes all the time. We are linking this resource so our designers and clients can look at the design options for their home.
Modellos are an amazing option as opposed to a stencil because it can be resized to any size. Modellos are a one time use stencil that is like a large sticker applied to the wall. Modellos allow us to apply plaster and finishes with incredible detail. Modellos create a great decorative feature in any space.

Bomar Designs
Bomar Designs are composite ornamental product that is molded to architectural designs. These pieces can be heated up to mold them to any surface, they dry hard where we can apply paint, gilde it in gold or silver leafing, or any finish. We use these designs to customize cabinets, niches, kitchen hoods and of course to create dramatic ceilings. This company has been making their versatile product for 100 years.

Stencil Designs
Stencils are so versatile. We are creating links so if our clients want to look on thir own at the different options in stenciling we can do for them. Instead of wallpaper, stenciling can be done in all over patterns on walls or ceilings, giving you many options. Stencils can be used in walls, ceilings, as medallions in ceilings or used in custom bedding. We use several different companydesigns, click on the link for different catalogues of design.